Where to use POLYTRON MTC
POLYTRON MTC can be used with benefits wherever friction is found. The rule-of-thumb for mix percentage is 10% by volume for engines and 5% by volume for automatic transmissions and similar applications. In certain cases (when extra-quick response is required) and for the initial treatment, it is advisable to use 10% by volume.
We are confident that the customers will be satisfied with our product. This unique and proven product can be a tremendous boost to the efficiency of your automobile or equipment.
Here are some of the applications:
Internal combustion engines
Gasoline, diesel, natural gas or propane. One treatment lasts up to 15.000 km. Roughly speaking, a person should add another treatment with the first oil change or after another 15.000 km.
Caution: In the event that POLYTRON additive is added to a dirty engine, the dispersants will suspend much of the residue in the engine oil after a very short time after POLYTRON is added. This oil should be changed after 1.500-2.000 km and our product should be added at a ratio of 10% of engine crankcase capacity. Please remember that the contaminants made the oil dirty, not the POLYTRON product. Depending on the distance driven, type of engine and displacement, treatment results could be as follows:
• Vehicle response gives a feeling of being "light" and "quick"
• Smoother rise in RPM
• Better fuel efficiency
• Increased top end RPMs
• Increased idle RPMs
• Less decrease in speed going up a hill at a constant accelerator pressure. Many users have claimed they could now negotiate hills without downshifting
• Quieter and smoother engine
• Overall improved engine response and quicker acceleration
• Easier cold weather starting than previously experienced
• When rings are fouled or frozen, the car uses oil. Dispersants in the engine should release these fouled or frozen rings, which could decrease oil consumption
Manual and automatic transmissions
Metal Treatment 10% mix by volume should be added. One treatment should last for 1-2 years, or according to service instructions for changing transmission oil. If the transmission oil is changed, another treatment (10%) should be made with our POLYTRON Metal Treatment product.
Treatment results should include:
• Gears should shift more smoothly.
• Before engine is started, shift gears, compare feeling before and after POLYTRON MTC is added, the "catching or corners" felling should have been reduced as you shift through the gears. In other words, shifting is quicker and without "grabbing".
• Less vibration of the gearshift might also be evident.
• Less torque loss in transmission translates into an increase in actual power to drive train.
• Automatic Transmission: 5% Metal Treatment mix ratio, by volume, depending on the type of ATF and transmission. Contrary to what you might think, this will not cause "slippage" in either manual or automatic transmissions. On the contrary, smoother and improved gear changes will be experienced.
Differentials, gears and transfer cases
Mix ratio is 10% POLYTRON MTC by volume. Differentials are subjected to considerable heat and friction due to the loads and stress of hypoid gears. Laboratory and actual use tests have proven that our product could decrease internal oil temperatures in differentials anywhere from 5-20°C requires a tremendous investment in engineering design and super-finishing of gear teeth surfaces and tempering.
Treatment results should include:
• Reduction in operating temperatures.
• Reduced differential noise (gear howl).
Caution: POLYTRON MTC is not intended for gears that have sheared or on the verge of lock-up, unless it is due to overheating and has not yet resulted in welding.
Manual power steering units
Mix ratio is 10% Metal Treatment by volume.
Treatment results should include:
• Easier steering maneuvers.
• Increased pump flow in worn or dirty power steering units.
Note: Our product is not intended to restore mechanical failure.
Wheel bearings and universal joints
Use 50 ml POLYTRON Metal Treatment Concentrate per bearing or joint. Their optimum life can be increased with smoother rotation through reduction of heat and friction.
Caution: Not intended for bearings that are gouged or seized. However, in certain cases, the addition of our product could keep them running, for a short period, until replacement can be promptly made.
Air conditioner compressors
Mix ratio is 5% POLYTRON MTC by volume or 50 ml/liter whichever is less. Air conditioner compressors are a tremendous source of power-draw on engines. POLYTRON can be added with the coolant gas on the low-pressure side. Before adding, please check with your service technician for assistance.
Treatment results should include:
• Up to 10% increase in PSIG
• Temperature drop of more than 5ºC
• Up to 20% drop in amperage draw
• Quieter, smoother running compressor
• Less evidence in up and down vehicle engine RPMs
Caution: Not intended to prevent loss-of-friction problems, except where lack of seal lubrication is causing leakage.
Turbo chargers
Use POLYTRON MTC at a mix ratio of 5% by volume to engine oil (10% for initial treatment is recommended). Turbo chargers have tremendous problems with high RPMs. The lubricants tend to oxidize quite quickly. When the engine is turned off while the turbines are still rotating, the drop in oil pressure tends to leave the bearings (especially thrust areas) isolated from oil flow, which causes the small amount of oil left around the shaft and bearings to carbonize leaving carbon and sludge residue.
This leads to poor heat transfer, greater acceleration of wear on those bearings due to the residue’s abrasive action. This can lead to early seizure of the bearings and surrounding metal. Our product can aid in reduced scaling and build-up. Also, our product tends to aid in dry, metal-to-metal situations for short periods of time. As a result, our product could be a tremendous benefit to turbo-chargers.
Treatment results should include:
• Reduction of heat caused by friction
• Protection of thrust and primary bearings
• Retard carbonization and oxidation of base lubricant
• Help to breakdown deposits of carbon, on surfaces where this residue is already evident
Caution: In the case of a very dirty engine, the dispersion of contaminants could cause blockage in filters, oil parts or grooves. Care should be given to monitor and remove these contaminants than to have them in the engine. Therefore, POLYTRON is performing an additional “service” to your turbo charger.
Two stroke engines
In order to use our product in two stroke engines you must mix POLYTRON MTC with the oil you will be using either before you mix the oil and fuel or by adding it to the oil reservoir. The Metal Treatment should be used at a ratio of 10% (100 ml/Liter of oil). The fuel should also be treated with POLYTRON Fuel Concentrate at a ratio of 1 ml/Liter of fuel.
New engines
Engines in new cars tend these days to have already been broken in and can use POLYTRON Products immediately to great effect. However brand new or rebuilt engines should be “run in” for about 650-800 km prior to the addition of POLYTRON Products as these engines require a settling in period which requires friction, heat and wear to enable the seals to seat down and larger irregularities to be worn down.
Hydraulic systems
Our Metal Treatment product is completely compatible with all hydraulic fluids and should be used at a mix ratio of 5%. It should drastically reduce friction and wear in the system and operating temperature, the number one cause for concern in such systems.
There are many other areas where friction can be a source of problems. Many engineers have used their imagination to find new ways of utilizing the many conducive properties of our product.
Note: Before uses in applications other than printed, please check with your POLYTRON Representative.
General words of caution
A. POLYTRON has been especially developed for today’s high-performance engines and mechanisms. For this reason, we have given our product a stronger extreme pressure (EP) chemical package. Therefore, we have found that our standard mix ratio is 10% by volume to the lubricant treated. In some cases, it might be necessary to increase the mix percentage to as high as 15%, depending on the conditions. If satisfactory results are not achieved contact POLYTRON representative for recommendations.
B. Our product is not a cure-all for mechanical problems. In some cases, Our product can aid in reducing noise levels for scarred or worn surfaces, but this benefit cannot be guaranteed.
C. POLYTRON can be added to most petroleum, mineral and synthetic lubricants. It is not intended to be added to vegetable or animal based oils for any reason as it could result in increased wear.
D. In some cases, the addition of our product could result in increased idling RPM. If this should occur, wait for 500-700 km of driving after the product has been added, then readjust idling RPM, to the manufacturer's recommended setting to maximize fuel economy.